What’s your idea of the perfect date?

Posted on October 16, 2008. Filed under: Girlfriend | Tags: , , |

She will love you for this one, but be careful. If you are not the romantic type, or are just an all around cheap guy then you probably don’t want to hear what she has to say. Play it safe and you be the one to tell her your idea of the perfect date. You better think long and hard and plan this one out, do your research. She will love you for your ability to be creative, thoughtful, and romantic. If you say dinner and movie, then probably sex; she will probably think about leaving you. Everyone women wants to be loved, so make her feel special and plan things that fit with her personality.

First date shouldn’t be the perfect date, but if your meant to be together then whatever you do will be fine.

On my first date I took my girlfriend to Multnomah falls, and brought along a cooler with lunch, and tons of fresh fruit, veggies, and other tasty snacks. We hiked up and down and all around the various waterfalls along the old highway, and found a nice picnic area that was a little bit secluded, and had lunch. Then we continued on with the day taking pictures, wading through small waterfalls, and just talking about eachother. This was a great opportunity to get to know my girlfriend without having to sit down and feel like i’m having an interview.

If your a guy reading this, I was much like you, lost – looking for a way to impress women, and the best way is to do your homework and if you try to follow bits advice like the ones I offer, then you will have much more success than ever thought possible. Good luck!

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